2023-09-18 信息来源:线上
活动主题:qcd ligh-cone distribution amplitudes of heavy mesons from boosted hqet
活动内容:light-cone distribution amplitudes (lcdas) frequently arise in factorization theorems involving light and heavy mesons. the qcd lcda for heavy mesons includes short-distance physics at energy scales of the heavy-quark mass. we achieve the separation of this perturbative scale from the purely hadronic effects by matching the qcd lcda to the convolution of a perturbative function with the universal, quark- mass independent lcda defined in heavy-quark effective theory. this factorization allows to resum potentially large logarithms between $\lambda_{\rm qcd}$ and $m_q$ as well as between $m_q$ and the scale q of the hard process in the production of boosted heavy mesons at colliders. as an application we derive new theoretical predictions for the branching ratio of the decay $w^\pm\to b^\pm\gamma$. furthermore, we provide phenomenological models for the qcd lcdas of both the b and d mesons expressed as expansions in gegenbauer polynomials.
主 讲 人:魏焰冰,北京工业大学讲师。2013年于山东大学获得学士学位,2018年于中科院高能所取得博士学位,此后先后在南开大学与慕尼黑工业大学从事博士后研究,2022年入职北京工业大学。主要从事重味物理唯象学、qcd因子化、有效理论等方面的研究。